Good Morning!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July! It’s been a while since I posted anything, not for a lack of worthwhile news, but simply because the worthwhile COVID-related material has now been very well-conveyed by National. In fact, I had originally planned to shut down this blog once we got to Stage 5, but here we are past the proposed date of that milestone and we’re instead at an unanticipated Stage 4.5.
After running the idea past a few folks, I’ve instead decided to change the title and purpose of the blog to Chapter Communications. Instead of just presenting COVID-related news, we will instead shift our focus to essential Chapter-related news and subjects the staff and I feel will be beneficial to you.
None of this is to say that the Chapter feels we have made it through this epidemic. Far from it. If anything, we anticipate the following month will likely bring conditions we’ve only seen in NY, the South, and the West, all throughout the Midwest. The virus doesn’t care about state lines or political affiliations, just human proximity and opportunity for exposure.
Although the Chapter will not be mandating mask wear for members at meetings as we resume normal functions, we will certainly have them available, along with sanitizer and wipes. Staff actually will be required to wear masks and seating arrangements will accommodate social distancing. Simply put, we don’t ever want one of our events to be the reason you catch COVID-19. One final item on COVID-19 - the Marion County Health Department will be mandating mask wear for anyone in a public space effective July 9th. This does include time spent at work.
OK. On to the news.
· We are pleased and proud that Purdue’s Anthony Sparkling has just published his ELECTRI study, “Harnessing Supervisory Knowledge and Experience in Electrical Construction”. This report was funded by ELECTRI’s Early Career Award and focuses both on identifying strengths of those with knowledge derived from significant time in the industry and also barriers in place that prevent that knowledge from being best used. This document is free to NECA members.
· The Central Indiana Chapter would like to extend a special congratulations to Skill and Lytle Electric for once again winning the NECA Safety Excellence Awards and Skill for winning the Zero Injury Award as well!
· Details on NECA 2020 LIVE are becoming available by the day and registration is expected to go live very soon. I know we are all disappointed at not being able to have our marquee event this year, but I also know NECA National is working incredibly hard to develop a worthwhile experience in its stead.
· Just a quick notice for the Indianapolis employers, the EWBTF will be holding a Wealth and Health Fair on October 3rd. Please download the flyer and distribute to your employees.
· For the NECA-IBEW employers, it’s probably only fair to mention here that things a the Trust are not going as smoothly as they could. For the last few years, I don’t think it’s a secret that there have been some uncharacteristic rifts between trustees serving on the plan. This year things have fallen to a new low in that we were unable to even conduct the business of the plan due to some trustees refusing to participate and ensure a quorum. The Chapter’s represented on the plan will most likely be retaining counsel to represent management interests as this situation devolves. Should this come to pass, the Chapter will call for a special meeting of the Board of Directors in order to obtain approval for paying our share of such an expense.
· The City of Indianapolis is offering a new discount program for tourism based activities to any person in the trades. You can download information on this program to distribute to your employees here and watch a video starring our own members explaining the program here.
Have a wonderful day everyone, and as always, stay safe and call if you have any questions.