Good Evening,
Today’s calls have mostly addressed materials previously discussed or concerns which are outside the scope of this part of the site.
Regrettably, most of the issues I said we are tracking due to a lack of information, we are still tracking due to a lack of information. Please bear with us as we try and get you the information you need.
I do have some good news in Local 481 on the issue of benefits required under the FFCRA. Rather than wait for guidance from the federal regulations, in order to provide at least some certainty amidst everything else, Business Manager, Jeff Wheeler agreed to issue a joint memo with me stating exactly what your obligations under the Act will be for Local 481 employees. If you’re wondering why we have not done a similar document in our other five areas, it isn’t because we don’t want to, it’s just that Local 481 has self- administered benefits and as such can solely determine employer obligations. All of our other locals have most of their benefits routed through the Decatur fund which has taken a wait-and-see approach and has not yet issued significant guidance.
One other piece of good news which came up today is that if you use the promo code NECA2020 at the checkout of our NECA Learning Center, there are over 100 courses you can take right now for free! Here’s the link. I hope you can go check it out.
Once again, I want to put in a plug for Scott Baldwin. It only takes a minute and the campaign is desperate for funding now. I know it’s hard not to think of anything but COVID-19 and COVID-19 related issues, but I promise you, we do not want to leave this situation only to find J.R. Gaylor waiting for us on the other side of it in the statehouse. Even a little bit can help! Head on over to to show your support!
I do have a new resource to post as well and it’s pretty outstanding. Anthony Byler of Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman PC (that is seriously a mouthful!), sent us a link to their entire resource page which has an exhaustive number of really wonderful resources regarding how to defend your contract rights as they relate to our current circumstances. I started to go through and pick which ones you all might be interested in but soon realized that you’d likely find benefit from most.
That’s it for now. As always, stay safe and call me if you have any questions.