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Ted Uppole

5/12 Update - PPE from NECA

Good Evening!

There’s some great news this evening. We finally got the information on ordering PPE from NECA. I’m going to pass along this information right now since it appears that there is a limited availability, even among jobs which are deemed to be of a high risk category. I mention my reasoning because there are a number of things about this process I’m not really sure about.

Here how I think it will go at least right now:

1. Get started here. This will take you to NECA National’s PPE Ordering Landing Site. You’ll note it will require you to login as a NECA member first.

2. Please complete the N-95 Priority Checklist. This doesn’t actually seem to be a functional form. I think you are just supposed to use it to acknowledge that you understand just how much of a shortage there is for this equipment.

3. Evaluate PPE need based on OSHA’s Risk Pyramid for COVID-19. This is provided for you on the page.

4. Evaluate the need of respirators and understand application and requirements. Again, this is provided for you.

5. Review the Premier Partner PPE Program for NECA Contractors Product List. The list contains the products that are now available to order. This is actually down in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

6. Once the product list has been reviewed and you are ready to place an order, please complete a survey for your PPE needs. Note: 3 surveys are available (PPE - Immediate Need, PPE June, PPE July) This is down in the bottom right hand side of the page.

7. Once survey is completed and validated by NECA, Graybar will contact you to fulfill the order. We don’t have any idea what validation means and whether it will be done by NECA National or us. Guess we will find out soon!

8. Please refer to the OSHA Risk Assessment Pyramid to determine the risk level of your project.

9. Shipments will be prioritized by factors such as risk category, due date, and receipt time stamp.

Note: N95 masks, face shields and disinfectants remain on allocation and quantities will be limited. Priority will be given to contractors working in very high-/high-risk projects.

You can contact Wanessa Alves, Director of Member Relations at 301-215-4532 or with any questions about the program.

My guess is that this will be a program with a lot of bottleneck and not a few exploratory glitches. Still, it’s a great thing that Graybar and 3M are giving us allocations at all. We will keep you posted with new information. As always stay safe and call if you have any questions.

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